Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Escape What?

Whether you are a Christian believer or not, you should realise that we are living in the lasts days of modern civilization as we know it. History testifies that Man, left to his own devices and leadership apart from God, is certain to end in defeat and eventually self destruction. Mankind was never designed to live separated from his maker both personally or collectively. We are currently living at a time when mankind through his so called advancements and scientific knowledge of atomic power etc, has the capability to annihilate himself on a global level. At these desperate times in history, God has always provided a way of escape as he did in Noah’s Day at the end of the antediluvian age, in fact the scripture states clearly in MATTHEW 24:37 that as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. The Son of man in this case refers to Jesus Christ, and the coming refers to the second coming of Christ which would be his secret coming as a thief in the night, and not his third coming in power and glory. This is were so many christians of today make their big mistake, they are looking for the future third coming of Christ in power and glory, and have missed his second secret coming as so many scriptures through out the Bible refer too, just as so many scriptures refered to Jesus birth, yet most religous people of that day missed it. I THESSALONIANS 5: 2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. 3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. The religious world of Jesus time failed to understand his 1st coming to earth as a baby in a manger because they were looking for the events of a different coming to be forefilled at that time, and consequently ended up killing the very one that they were claiming to believe in. So it is today, the Christian world of today have failed to connect the modern events to the prophecies of the scriptures that refer to Christ's second coming, and in doing so have rejected the one they claim to believe in.
God has always and without fail sent a scriptual Prophet before any great destruction on earth, God would speak through these Prophet's, as their message was (if recieved) Gods mercy before His judgment. God would instruct the people who were willing to listen to Him through the mouth piece of His Phophet as to the way of escape just like he did in Noah’s day, and when he sent Jonah to Ninevah.
God has always provided a way to escape pending judgment for all those who would heed the voice of His Word through His Prophet that He would send and vindicate.
I would like to sincerely inform you with much supporting evidence and scriptures that William Marrion Branham was truly the most vindicated Prophet of God since Moses and even Jesus himself walked the earth. God emphatically used him as his mouth piece to speak to this end time generation of religious people. MALACHI 4:5 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD: there are so many scriptures that refer to these events of a major Prophet in our day that it will take a more indepth study to look at this fully, but if you do, I can asure you that you will discover the greatest discovery of your life. As always Gods true prophets are never accepted by the religious leaders nor by the majority at the time of their message. You will find a lot of people against these things as Satan will do all that he can to discredit Gods true Word and mouth piece as that is how history has always treated any true man that God has sent.
God was with William Branham in such a way that the world has never seen miracles of healings and wonders on a scale of this magnitude before, the raising of the dead, the blind recieving their sight, the deaf ears being opened, cripples walking, thousands upon thousands of people were eye witnesses to these events, God was vindicating his Prophet and preparing the people for the VOICE of the SIGN that was to follow the miracles.
I would encourage you that if you have any desire at all to escape the pending judgments, then please look sincerely and honestly into these things for yourself, do not shrug this off as another religious sham, truly, everything else will pale and fade completely away in the evidence and scriptural proofs of the things that God has revealed and vindicated in this our time. HEBREWS 12:25 See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. For if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth, much more shall not we escape, if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven: God in heaven has spoken in this end time through His chosen vessel William Branham (often referred to as Brother Branham as he liked to be called). He was a humble and sincere man, he certainly wasn’t the Lord Jesus as some mistook him to be, nor did he ever claim to be Christ, no more than John the Baptist claimed to be Christ when people thought that he was Him. William Branham’s message, or more precisely Gods message that he spoke though Reverend Branham is known by the people who have received these things as ‘The End Time Message’ or ‘The Message of the Hour’ or ‘The Voice of God’. These are just terms used for what the great God of heaven has done for us in our time, he is not willing that any should perish but that we should all come to the knowledge of the way of escape that He has made for us if we would only heed and obey His Voice. The Message that God has spoken to us at is not some new thing outside of the scriptures, but a message to take us back pass man's interpritation to what the scriptures have already said.
As you read the articles contained in this blog and follow some of the links, I sincerely trust that you will be enriched and enthralled with what you discover, it is not an easy journey, and there are many critics, but if you will sinceerly seek and prove all thing by word of God, what you will find will be beyond anything that you could ever imagine. These are not cunningly devised fables, but God making himself known to us again. God in this day used a son of a man, William Marrion Branham, to reveal (make known) The Son of Man (the Lord Jesus Christ), for the purpose of God and man becoming one again in Spirit and in Truth. William Branham's message was all about revealing Jesus Christ, as He is the only way of escape from this dying world.

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